
in Balance


Do you feel anxious, depressed, alone or stuck in difficult and painful patterns that block your potential for love, work, and creativity? Psychotherapy is a collaborative relationship where you can begin to explore pathways to making changes in your life. When you work with me you can expect a compassionate and private space where you can take your time to listen, share, listen, reflect on and share your most personal thoughts, feelings and concerns .

In-depth training and experience informs my flexible and individualized approach to each person's unique situation.   Together we can figure out how to best understand and work with the obstacles you experience so that you may find resolution and create the life you long for. Therapy provides a space to delve into your struggles to help you unravel and resolve your problems to create a new path in life.

In over 25+ years as a licensed psychologist in private practice, I have had the privilege of helping many people suffering from anxiety, depression and loss, relationship problems, trauma, and cycles of self-defeating behavior. I work with Adults, Adolescents, Children/Parents and Couples.

As a Faculty Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute and the International Psychoanalytic China Committee I teach and supervise mental health professionals.

If you're looking for help with a challenging situation or relationship, or seek to move in a new direction in your life, I am ready to work with you.

Please call or email me for a consultation today.

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